All famous couples in history made the difference through their complementary qualities. Think to Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller, Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin, Starsky and Hutch, Bart and Milhouse, Andre Agassi and Brooke Shields, Roger and Jessica Rabbit, John and Yoko, Mulder and Scully, Will and Grace, Thelma and Louise, Batman and Robin, Catherine and Heathcliff, Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh: there is the emotion and the ratio, the brain and the face, the inner and the outer, the beauty and the beast, the gesture and the voice.
Now in our early ’00s, another paradigmatic couple hits the scene: the Art (director) and the Copy (writer) are actually the nowadays representation of the never ending opposition between right and left hemisphere. The Facebook page CW versus AD has therefore explicated this symbiotic relationship through a witty and delicious set of split screen pop illustrations. Best enemies!